Summit statement on professionalism and proper conduct

The University of Missouri is committed to providing a safe learning environment for faculty, staff, students, and those participating in university sanctioned activities, such as the Center for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS) Broader Impacts Summit. Harassment of or by participants of the ARIS Summit in any form will not be tolerated, therefore this code of conduct is in place to protect the safety of all attendees. Unacceptable behaviors include, but are not limited to physical contact, language, or imagery of a violent, threatening, sexual, discriminatory, demeaning, or disruptive nature.

Inappropriate Behaviors

These behaviors are not appropriate for any component of the ARIS Summit, including but not limited to keynotes, sessions, networking, virtual spaces, and social media. Attendees who are asked to stop any harassing or discriminatory behavior are expected to comply immediately. University of Missouri staff may take action to address any situation that is disrupting the meeting or making the environment unsafe for participants, including asking participants to leave the meeting.

I hereby agree that as a participant in the 2020 Summit. I will:

  • Conduct myself with integrity, respect, honesty, and credibility.
  • Approach all events in accordance with the highest ethical standards of professionalism and personal conduct.
  • Avoid all activities that will cause damage to or discredit to my organization, the University of Missouri, or myself.
  • Embrace our diverse community of professionals and learners, and be inclusive of all audiences in my presentations, demonstrations, and conversations.


Questions about this code of conduct may be directed to ARIS Summit conference organizers will be happy to help participants contact campus security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the conference. We value your attendance at the 2020 ARIS Summit.

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